
Stephen was actively involved in the Poundbury Architectural Review Committee, at the invitation of HRH the Prince of Wales, whose book, 'A Vision of Britain', includes some of Stephen's designs:

“These two houses in Suffolk, designed by Stephen Mattick, show that it is still possible to build really beautifully in the old traditional manner with exquisite brickwork and fine detailing. The great thing is that they are traditional-looking; that they might have been there for a few hundred years; and that they fit snugly, comfortably and reassuringly into the countryside.”
Quote taken from A VISION OF BRITAIN, by HRH The Prince of Wales, published by A.G. Carrick Ltd. 1999

“Stephen Mattick’s homes are perfect in detail and the very essence of traditional-style new build.”
James Orme, Editor Homebuilding and Renovating Magazine

“Stephen Mattick has designed many substantial new houses, but his work always shows an acute sensibility to the importance of careful, appropriately local, detailing.”
Roderick Gradidge, Country Life


There is now collection of Stephen Mattick’s many original hand drawings and interested parties should contact Rosanne Mattick at rosannezmattick@gmail.com

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